Medical acupuncture is the combination of classical acupuncture therapy and contemporary medicine, and bridging the gap between these two fields can help patients achieve the results they are after. This integration can be very effective, and this approach is based on neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and pathophysiology and their current concepts. Small, single-use disposable needles will be inserted at relevant points on the body, and this process will be done in combination with manual needle stimulation or electrical stimulation.
How Do You Become an Acupuncturist?
Practitioners have to complete a contemporary medical acupuncture program to practice medical acupuncture as this program focuses on the science-based application of acupuncture. Classical acupuncture involves the use of tongue and pulse as a diagnosis, whereas medical acupuncture relies on a thorough history taking and physical examination to determine a proper diagnosis. Medical acupuncture is often integrated with other therapeutic interventions and can be used as a first line treatment or as a modality for other treatments. This will depend on the condition you wish to treat, its severity and the physiological mechanisms that are available for your unique situation.
What are the Benefits of Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is known to be very effective for pain relief, inflammation reduction, improved performance, stress reduction and improved blood flow. It can also help with the correction of altered movement patterns, improved organ function and improved nerve conduction. Patients will experience a number of benefits as a result of acupuncture treatments, and the insertion points are based on the acupuncturist’s knowledge of neuromuscular anatomy. Needles will be inserted into the areas that will alter nerve flow or muscle tone, so medical acupuncture is often used as part of a treatment plan for different conditions, including chronic pain, muscle tears, neck pain, sports injuries, back pain, inflammation and headaches. Medical acupuncture can also help with ligament strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints and TMJ disorders.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
This type of treatment is safe, so you can have peace of mind in this regard. Practitioners have extensive knowledge of neuromuscular anatomy and are experts in this field, so you can turn to them when you want to treat any of the conditions mentioned above. You don’t have to worry about pain because this treatment is almost always painless, and the only thing some patients may feel is a slight pinch when the needle is inserted. Most patients feel nothing at all and enjoy the results once the appointment is over. The needles will remain in place for about 20-30 minutes after they are inserted, and because they are disposable and designed for one-time use, there is zero risk of transmitting infections from one patient to another.
There are few, if any, side effects, and you will feel a deep sense of relaxation. You will also feel better overall, so this treatment is definitely worth a try.
If you are interested in acupuncture, Oshawa Wellness can help. We will gladly provide you with more information, so if you have any questions, contact us today!